Here is a sample of a review of one of our personal injury clients. ...
ACCIDENT REPORTING AT WORK NO WIN NO FEE ADVICE CALL FAIRCLOUGHS WITH OVER 60 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE OF DEALING WITH ACCIDENTS AT WORK CALL NOW ON 01942-665700. Deaths and injuries at work. If someone has died or has been injured because of a work-related accident this may have...
Injury claims in Ashton In Makerfield Wigan and Golborne call Mark on 01942-665700 NO WIN NO FEE.Below are some facts about slipping accidents:■ A clean and dry, smooth floor is rarely slippery.■ A well-wrung mop will not leave a floor dry. Clean, well maintainedsqueegees and...
FAIRCLOUGH SOLICITORS INJURY LAWYERS IN GOLBORNE WIGAN – ASHTON IN MAKERFIELDNO WIN NO FEE Call 01942 665700Health and safety statisticsKey figures for Great Britain (2019/20)• 1.6 million working people suffering from a work-related illness• 2,446 mesothelioma deaths due to past asbestos exposures (2018)• 111 workers...
SLIP TRIP OF FALL CALL INJURY LAWYERS IN GOLBORNE WIGAN – ASHTON IN MAKERFIELDNO WIN NO FEE Call 01942 665700SlipsSlip and trip accidents happen for a number of reasons. The following model will help you understand the factors that can contribute to slip accidents and...
SLIP TRIP OR FALL IN GOLBORNE WIGAN CALL 01942-665700.Key figures for Great Britain (2019/20)1.6 million working people suffering from a work-related illness 2,446 mesothelioma deaths due to past asbestos exposures (2018)111 workers killed at work 693,000 working people sustain an injury at work according to...
ACCIDENT AT WORK IN GOLBORNE WIGAN PEMBERTON AND ASHTON IN MAKERFIELD CALL 01942-665700. These Regulations, often abbreviated to PUWER, place duties on people and companies who own, operate or have control over work equipment. PUWER also places responsibilities on businesses and organisations whose employees use work...
LIFTING ACCIDENTS AT WORK-EMPLOYERS DUTIES—ACCIDENTS IN GOLBORNE WIGAN AND ASHTON IN MAKERFIELD CALL 01942-665700.As an employer, you must protect your workers from the risk of injury from hazardous manual handling in the workplace OTHERWISE THIS COULD CAUSE AN ACCIDENT AT WORK. Manual handling means transporting...
Accidents In The Construction Sector Every year many construction site workers are killed or injured as a result of their work and many others suffer ill health. The key to achieving healthy and safe working conditions is to ensure that health and safety issues are planned,...